You Should Know Some Effective Tips before Obtaining Any Car Insurance policy.

gibl car insurance policy

After purchasing a new car or a vehicle, it is essential to make some safeguard policy for your very own expensive possession - car. A well-planned car insurance policy in India plays a key role in this aspect. It covers all the possible losses that you might suffer due to the theft or damage to your car. For that purpose, each month you have to pay a certain amount to the insurance company and you will get an assured sum during any emergency. But choosing the best car insurance online in India is not an easy task; it’s basically a tedious job. You just have to keep in mind some tips before purchasing any car insurance online plan. So here, we will discuss some tips that you need to follow while buying any vehicle insurance plan in India.
  • You must analyze and then choose a plan

You may think which type of policy you should choose as there are various types of car insurance online policies. Generally, there are of two types of vehicle insurance plan in India- third party plan and comprehensive car insurance plan. The third party plan does not provide any benefit to the insured person, but it covers the insured’s legal liability for death of third party or loss to third party property. And this policy is a compulsory requirement in India. On the other hand, comprehensive cover is an optional cover, but it provides financial protection to the car owners in case of any damage of their own vehicles. It also covers the damage of third party owners. Though Comprehensive cover is not mandatory, but it is good to choose this plan as it covers both side – own damage as well as third party liabilities.
  • Claim settlement ratio

The most useful feature you need to look for before buying a car insurance online plan is the car settlement ratio. The ratio signifies the number of claims settled during a period out of the total claims intimated and it is an important point of customer service. So you should purchase motor insurance in India from those companies which have the highest claim settlement ratio.
  • Comparison

We all know that car insurance is an agreement between the car-owners and car insurance companies. We now have the luxury to buy car insurance online. Though the online car insurance plan in India is not a legal compulsion, but the car-owners can compare car insurance in India online plans and buy car insurance online in order to be legally authorized to drive their vehicles. By making motor insurance comparison, you can also be aware of the best car insurance online plans available with leading car insurance companies in India. And it is an intelligent decision to compare the quotes and terms and conditions before buy the best car insurance in India it can save a huge sum amount of money and provide better options as well.

However, comparing the policy manually can be a tough work. Therefore, in such case, GIBL.IN can help you to find out the best car insurance policy in India.


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